Dafydd Gruffydd
Mentor Mon
rheolwr gyfarwyddwr, managing director
Dafydd Gruffydd
Dafydd started with Menter Môn in 1997 as a Language Officer with the Menter Iaith (Language Initiative). In his time with the company he has been involved with projects as diverse as food product development, SMART technology, makerspaces, business support, tourism, vertical farming, and renewable energy.
Dafydd primary interest is driving innovation in rural areas and joining the dots between projects and people. Menter Môn’s success has been the ability to operate in the space between the private and public sectors and often delivering practical solutions on Government policy.
Dafydd became the Managing Director of Menter Môn in 2017, a company that now employs 75 people with projects being delivered across Wales. He lives near Caernarfon with his wife, Melangell, and their three daughters.