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Low carbon concrete

Event organised by ICE

18 April 2022

This event has now ended


Recycl8 are developing technology which takes Incinerator Bottom Ash from waste-to- energy operators - often destined for landfill - and transforms it into a low carbon additive for concrete manufacture.

Their product aims to make up to 60% by volume of the concrete. By replacing high C02 emitting cement and other virgin quarried materials, they will work with manufacturers to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their climate targets.

The process absorbs C02 from the atmosphere and the process technology ensures heavy metals are bonded, preventing leaching and further pollution both now and in the future.

The environmental credentials are impressive, but this low carbon product also performs on a practical level. It not only bonds with more strength than traditional cement, but also has less permeability. The technology also significantly enhances the heat resistance, physical and chemical properties of the cement.

Waste-to-energy facilities can avoid sending their ash to landfill and cement manufacturers can offer a significantly reduced carbon footprint, to our ever-growing sustainable built environment.


Ian Skene

Ian Skene


managing director

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Ian Skene

With over 30 years’ experience in the waste management industry Ian Skene, Founder and Managing Director at Recycl8 , is a highly regarded authority on waste strategies. Ian is a Member of the Chartered Institution of Waste Management, and his expertise has been called upon by the Scottish Government on several occasions.

Having founded a company to set up a waste to energy incineration plant in Aberdeenshire, Ian believed there must be a better use for the ash as opposed to sending it back to landfill. A keen advocate of sustainable solutions and the Circular Economy, he successfully applied proven technologies from other waste industries to this relatively new waste stream.

For more information please contact:

Lynn Dow