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Modal shift: moving from targets to implementation

Event organised by ICE

12 March 2024

This event has now ended


Welsh Government policies set out a new direction for transport in Wales in response to the climate emergency. It is recognised that if we are going to meet our climate change targets, modal shift is required, and Llwybr Newydd | The Wales Transport Strategy sets out a target that 45% of journeys to be made by public transport, walking and cycling by 2040. Achieving this target presents a professional challenge to industry professionals in Wales – collectively, we are tasked with transforming the way people travel in Wales.

What do we need to do differently, and what can we learn from best practice elsewhere?

This webinar will provide attendees with a better understanding of the context, and ways in which we can move beyond targets towards implementation. The presentation will draw on global best practice and offer considerations for transport industry professionals in enabling mode shift.

Why you can't miss this event?

  • Fantastic CPD opportunity
  • Develop key understanding in response to the Roads Review
  • Learn about modal shif 
  • Opportunity for Q&A with experts

Who is this event for?

Anyone in or related to the highways and transport industry.

Organised by

Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation

Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation

The natural home for all people working in highways & transportation infrastructure.

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

The chartered body for professionals involved in the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains.


Clare Sheffield

Clare Sheffield


Director of Transport Planning

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Clare Sheffield

Clare is a director in the transport planning team at Arup. Working with clients globally, she specialises in ‘bridging the gap’ between policy-makers and technical specialists, solving problems together to deliver informative and influential analysis, and policy that is robust, effective and deliverable.

Prior to joining Arup, Clare was analytical lead for the development of strategy and policy at TfL, including development of the mayor’s transport strategy and measures to manage travel demand and traffic reduction policies such as congestion charging and road/emissions-based pricing.

Alison Thomas

Alison Thomas

Welsh Government

head of policy and engagement

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Alison Thomas

Alison Thomas is a chartered transport planner and has spent the last 21 years working in Wales, delivering sustainable transport. Alison has a passion for developing and implementing policies and strategies to meet our necessary zero carbon commitments in a vibrant and inclusive way. Alison has spent the last 9 years working for the Welsh Government and has led on delivering a number of key documents including the new Wales Transport Strategy 2021.