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Design of foundations for offshore wind turbines

Event organised by ICE

14 November 2023

This event has now ended


Foundations are one of the most expensive items in the capital cost break down of an offshore wind farm and the design is a challenging and multidisciplinary task that requires an understanding of the aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, structural dynamics, and soil-structure interaction.

Though there has been extensive research, foundation codes are still not fully developed and are heavily dependent on the principles developed for oil & gas platforms which have distinct differences with offshore wind installations. Furthermore, current offshore wind turbines are becoming larger in size and installed in deeper waters, thus jackets are becoming a more attractive option when compared to the conventional monopiles.

However, the current design methods for jackets are computationally challenging and time consuming, and often is the case, require data that is unavailable in the public domain which makes concept designs a difficult process.

This talk focuses on the various geotechnical challenges in the design of offshore wind turbine foundations.


Professor Subhamoy Bhattacharya

Professor Subhamoy Bhattacharya

University of Surrey

chair in geomechanics

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Professor Subhamoy Bhattacharya

Professor Bhattacharya, CEng FICE, currently holds the chair in geomechanics at the University of Surrey and directs the SAGE (Surrey Advanced Geotechnical Engineering) laboratory.

He is also the co-founder, chief scientific officer and director of RENEW-RISK, a spin-off company of University of Surrey. The company provides deep data science-driven risk models that enable (re)insurers to undertake comprehensive catastrophe risk assessments and confidently underwrite renewable energy assets (such as Offshore Wind Farms) risks in new regions throughout all phases (construction, operation and decommissioning).

Before Surrey, Prof Bhattacharya held academic positions at University of Bristol (senior lecturer) and University of Oxford (departmental lecturer). He also held industrial position at Fugro Geo-Consulting and was involved in analysis and design of foundations for offshore oil and gas installation. Prof Bhattacharya earned his PhD from University of Cambridge investigating foundation failures during seismic liquefaction. He has written the seminal book titled “Design of foundations for offshore wind turbines” published by Wiley.