Transport Planning Society
The Transport Planning Society (TPS) is the UK’s sole professional body for transport planning, aiming to raise its profile and guide the profession.
Event organised by The Transport Planning Society
As transport planning can too often feel like collateral damage in some wider culture war, this event hosted by the Transport Planning Society will be an invaluable opportunity for TPS members and friends to hear the perspective of those in civil society agitating for change.
What they would like practitioners to do and how effective and appropriate relationships might be developed between officials and campaigners to help enable common goals to be achieved.
Leo Murray - director of innovation and engagement at the charity We Are Possible will take us through a number of the programmes and workshops that have reduced car use in cities.
The Transport Planning Society (TPS) is the UK’s sole professional body for transport planning, aiming to raise its profile and guide the profession.
Welcome and introductions
Reducing traffic - what is possible? A campaigner's perspective on achieving modal shift and reducing road mileage, Leo Murray, director of innovation and engagement at We Are Possible?
Panel discussion chaired by Ben Plowden. Lisa Martin (Steer), Aiofe Dudley (City Science), Aya Collins (Smart Transport Hub).
Conclusions and Networking drinks
We Are Possible
Director of Innovation and Engagement
Possible have been at the frontier of the traffic reduction debate since 2020, starting two major projects on slashing car use in cities just as the Covid pandemic struck, and the government launched its Emergency Active Travel Fund that suddenly saw more activity in this space happen over the following months than we'd seen in the previous decade.
Our Care Free Cities programme worked with communities in London, Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol to reimagine some of their most traffic blighted streets as people and future-friendly public realm fit for the 21st century, as well as supporting grassroots advocacy on the ground for traffic reduction and road space reallocation schemes. Our Car Free Megacities project with partners in New York and Paris sought to leverage the historic rivalry between these iconic world cities to raise ambition and accelerate action to design cars out of the dense urban centre that cannot accommodate them.
We ran car-free challenges and visioning workshops with diverse participants, and developed a detailed alternative proposal for the future of Hammersmith Bridge. Working with the Active Travel Academy, we built the evidence base for interventions like low-traffic neighbourhoods and cargo bike logistics, and became one of the leading voices speaking out in support of measures to reduce the harms of excess urban traffic as these became increasingly politicised and sucked into the culture wars that are dividing British society. In this talk we'll share some of the key insights that have emerged from riding this storm over the past three and a half years.
Aimed at students, this series of seven webinars which runs until May 2025 will enable you to learn about professional life from recent graduates from across the industry.
A five session course delivered by industry experts to develop in-depth knowledge of health, safety, and wellbeing in civil engineering within the UK.
The motorway network has had a profound impact in Scotland, particularly connections through Glasgow. At this lecture hear from Stuart Baird from Scottish Roads Archive discuss the history of some of the motorway network in Scotland, with a focus on the history and construction of the M74, connectin…