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Reflections of 10 years in civil engineering

Event organised by ICE

31 August 2023

This event has now ended


A short AGM will be followed by an address from the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch's incoming chair for the 2023-2024 session: Takomborerwa Hove.

Takomborerwa Hove is a chartered civil engineer who has spent 10 years in a design role, primarily in consultancy. From bridge assessments and design to highways project delivery, Tako will describe some of the key lessons he has learned in his career as a professional engineer.


18:15 - 18:30

Short AGM

18:30 - 19:30

Incoming chair's address


Takomborerwa Hove

Takomborerwa Hove


principal engineer, bridges and structures

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Takomborerwa Hove

Tako is a chartered civil engineer with 10 years’ experience primarily in design consultancy.

Having joined AECOM soon after finishing his masters degree, he is now a Principal Engineer within the Bridges Section of AECOM’s Glasgow office with experience in the design, specification, and construction of Highway Structures.

Tako has been an active member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in the Glasgow and West of Scotland branch for several years. He was previously a President’s Apprentice (now Future Leader Program) in 2014/15 during which he co-authored a report with his fellow Apprentices called “Innovation: Stepping up the Industry”.

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