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Second generation of the Structural Eurocodes

Event organised by

15 July 2020

This event has now ended


Join Professor Hicks from the University of Warwick for a webinar on the second generation of Structural Eurocodes.

The structural Eurocodes are a set of design standards for building and civil engineering works,developed by European Committee for Standardization (CEN). They replaced the former UK design standards created by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 2010. Countries outside Europe have also adopted the Eurocodes as their national standards, such as Singapore and Hong Kong.

In response to the European Commission mandate M/515 published in 2012, CEN set out a work programme for developing the second generation of Eurocodes which, inter alia, includes:

  • Extension of existing rules to include new materials, products and construction methods;
  • Improving the ease of use for designers and achieving better harmonisation through reducing the number of Nationally Determined Parameters.

Taking into consideration the industry responses to the 2014 systematic review, Project Teams commenced work on the second generation of Eurocodes in 2015, which has a duration of seven years.

Drawing on his personal experience from working on three of the Eurocode 4 Project Teams, Professor Hicks will provide a general overview of the second generation of the Eurocodes, as well as discuss some of the changes and innovations that are being proposed to the existing documents. He will also present the new Eurocodes that have been developed under this initiative.

For more information please contact:

Fiona Turner