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The baltic pipe above water tie-in project

Event organised by Offshore Engineering Society

07 September 2022

This event has now ended


When submarine pipelines are laid from opposite direction (shore to shore, platform to platform, etc.), the two ends of the laid segments need to be welded together. One method is to weld pipeline segments on the seabed (hyperbaric welding in enclosed habitat) generally suitable for water depth >30m; or above water (shallower water depth). The latter is known as the Above Water Tie-in (AWTI) operation.

A specialist laybarge is utilised to lift the two pipeline segments up above the waterline, weld the two ends together and lower the pipeline down on the seabed again. Detailed engineering is required to perform this critical operation in open seas, where the environmental condition need to be carefully analysed. This paper presents the key installation analysis steps to be taken and presents examples of Saipem’s experience in the AWTI operation.

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Lukasz Ramowski

Lukasz Ramowski

Saipem Ltd

pipelay analysis engineer

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Lukasz Ramowski

Lukasz is a Pipelay Analysis Engineer working at Saipem’s London office and holds a MEng in Mechanical Engineering from Brunel University London. He joined Saipem 4 years ago as a graduate engineer and has since worked on numerous pipelay and cable-laying projects, spending over 6 months offshore on various installation vessels. Lukasz worked on the Baltic Pipe Project as an analysis and project engineer for over a year, before spending 5 weeks onboard the Castoro 10 lay-barge during the offshore campaign.

For more information please contact:

Elira Alushi