Transport Planning Day 2022
Transport Planning Day is led by the Transport Planning Society to celebrate the best in transport planning, showcase its benefit to communities and chart a direction for the profession.
Event organised by The Transport Planning Society
Every year, the Transport Planning Society celebrates ‘Transport Planning Day’ to raise the profile of transport planning and the role it has in changing the places we live and increasing the quality of people’s lives. We also use the opportunity to celebrate transport planners and to showcase best practice from across the profession.
This year we want to focus the campaign on future proofing transport.
After 2 years of managing the pandemic, we now need to start looking forward to see how we can make sure our transport systems are ready for the challenges which lie ahead.
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how unprepared the transport industry, and the UK more generally, were for unforeseen events. As the pandemic has changed the way we travel, perhaps indefinitely, the way we plan for the future needs to reflect that and prepare for other future threats.
Transport Planning Day 2022 will provide discussion, solutions and different perspectives on how we can create a more resilient transport network to for the future.
Transport Planning Day is led by the Transport Planning Society to celebrate the best in transport planning, showcase its benefit to communities and chart a direction for the profession.
University of Hertfordshire
Stephen Joseph is a transport policy consultant, specialising in urban and local issues and in smart transport. He was appointed a visiting professor at the University of Hertfordshire in December 2018, having received an honorary doctorate from the University in November 2010.
At present, Stephen is a trustee of the Foundation for Integrated Transport and is on the steering group of the Foundation’s Transport for New Homes project. He chairs the Smart Transport programme board for Bauer Media and is an adviser to the Rail Devolution Network. He is also chair of the Liverpool City Region Bus Alliance Board.
He was Chief Executive of Campaign for Better Transport (formerly Transport 2000) from 1988 to 2018. During that period, he led campaigns to reduce major road building, to increase rail investment including in new/ reopened lines and stations, and to highlight the importance of buses and the impact of cuts in bus services. He was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 1996 for services to transport and the environment.
Transport Planning Society
Mark was Head of Transport & Environmental Strategy at London Borough of Hounslow until December 2020 where he lead on all transport matters from parking enforcement to traffic management, but has a particular key role in promoting a range of enhancements to the rail network for an ambitious regeneration programme of up to 10,000 new homes and 30,000 new jobs. Mark has a background in the promotion of sustainable transport and is currently a topic expert advisor for the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) on the links between built environment and physical activity.
He is chair of LoTAG Group 1 and a Junior President elect of LGTAG, Chair of the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group Transport Panel.
Future Generations Commissioner for Wales office
change maker
Rhiannon is a Change Maker with the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales with a focus on climate, nature and decarbonisation. Her role supports public bodies in Wales to deliver policy and budget decisions in line with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the climate emergency.
Prior to this, Rhiannon was Wales Manager with active travel charity Living Streets, a charity advocating for everyday walking, clean air and transport decarbonisation. She was a Member of the All-Wales Taskforce on 20mph and All-Wales Taskforce on Pavement Parking and sat on Welsh Government and Transport for Wales Advisory Boards and coalitions including Healthy Air Cymru.
Prior to this Rhiannon was Programme Manager at Bridgend County Borough Council where for 10 years she led the Rural Development Programme team supporting sustainable and cohesive community development and thriving rural economies.
Rhiannon recently undertook an 8-month secondment to the Welsh Parliament (Senedd) Environment and Transport research team supporting Members of the Senedd with their constituency work on transport, clean air, planning and Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. She also led briefing for inquiries by the Equality and Social Justice Committee (Warm Homes and Fuel Poverty) and the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee.
Transport Planning Society, Sustainable Transport Panel of CIHT
past chair
Lynda is a Past Chair of the Transport Planning Society and now leads on planning and transport integration including discussions with the Government. She chaired the Sustainable Transport Panel of CIHT until 2021 and the Working Group responsible for producing the advice “Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places” with CIHT, TPS and RTPI and others in 2019. As a member of the Foundation for Integrated Transport’s Steering Group on Transport and New Homes she has been involved in their publications and is a Policy Associate to The Campaign for Better Transport.
She is a Design Council Expert, chairing various reviews for local authorities, Network Rail and National Highways. Until recently she was a Director of Garden City Developments CIC promoting 21st century “garden settlements”. She was CIHT Transportation Professional of the Year in 2019, won the RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network award in 2010, a Lifetime Achievement Award from PTRC in 2022, and received an OBE for services to planning in 2006.
Following 30 years in local government she established an award-winning consultancy, Addison & Associates, after leaving Hounslow, where she was Director of Planning and Transport. Lynda was an English Heritage Commissioner and Visiting Professor in Planning at the University of Westminster, a former Trustee of Living Streets and the TCPA, and sat on the Board of Paddington BID. She is now an External Examiner in Transport Planning at the University of Westminster.
Liani is a planner specialized in the delivery of Social Value through transport. She specializes on inclusive mobility and how this can be achieved through better integration of community needs and aspirations through the whole project lifecycle. From setting strategic objectives, through context-sensitive design, responsible implementation and monitoring.
Through her work in projects in the UK and South America, she has gained experience in the international dissemination of knowledge and best-practices, research, and the provision of strategic advice for private and public sector bodies.
Transport Policy, UWE
Phil Goodwin is Emeritus Professor of Transport Policy at UCL and UWE, and was also Director of the Transport Studies Unit at Oxford University, a transport planner in the GLC, a non Executive Director of the Port of Dover, and Senior Fellow on Transport and Climate Change of the Foundation for Integrated Transport 2020-2022.
His research and advisory work has included studies of road pricing, public transport fares, 'induced' and 'disappearing' traffic. project appraisal, traffic forecasts, carbon values, and the effects of transport policy on climate change.
Transport for the North
Martin Tugwell is responsible for transforming pan-Northern connectivity in order to improve productivity and drive economic growth.
He leads Transport for the North as England’s first Sub-national Transport Body, giving the North a strong, unified and determined voice on transport investment to benefit the region.
Martin has more than 20 years of experience in strategic transport and infrastructure planning at national, regional and local levels.
Immediately prior to joining Transport for the North, Martin was Director for England’s Economic Heartland (EEH) – one of England’s 7 Sub-national Transport Bodies. Here, he led the creation of the EEH Transport Strategy – Connecting People, Transforming Journeys. This ambitious strategy sets out how the region’s transport system can support economic growth while delivering net zero emissions by as early as 2040.
Martin is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow and past President of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). He is a Trustee of the CIHT and past Chairman of the Transport Planning Society.
Nicola is a Director at Steer. She has led on the development of their fourth local transport plan: the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy for 2040, and a supporting Five-year Transport Delivery Plan, which formed the basis of Greater Manchester's recent £1bn+ City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement. She led on the development of new policy agendas, including the Streets for All Strategy and an emerging Shared Mobility Strategy. She was responsible for a major customer insight programme; and a number of innovation pilots, including the eHubs ecargo bike and EV car club project, and eScooter trials in Salford. She was awarded Transport Planner of the Year in 2017 by TPS for her work on the 2040 Transport Strategy for 2040; and is a Board Member of the Manchester Climate Change Partnership and University of Leeds ITS Advisory Board.
senior transport consultant
Harshil joined Steer in 2019 and currently works as a senior transport consultant across a wide range of projects from developing transport business cases for investment to developing long-term multi-modal strategies for public sector organisations. He is an experienced data analyst with a focus on understanding current and future trends and applying this in transport demand forecasting and the economic and sustainability appraisal of options under different future scenarios and contexts. Harshil’s experience of critically evaluating propositions and impacts from different stakeholder perspectives gives him a holistic understanding of the opportunities and challenges for the transport industry going forward.
Institute of Government and Public Policy
content development executive
Rosella is a researcher, innovator and advocate for social justice, tackling the climate crisis and gender inequalities. She works as a Content Development Executive at the Institute of Government and Public Policy, and is currently a Fellow at the Mercatus Centre at George Mason University, a research lead for the Feminae Carta initiative, and a Transport for London Youth Panel Representative. Having graduated in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the New College of Humanities and from the Patchwork Masterclass Program, Rosella also seeks to improve diversity in politics, increase youth-led participation in environmental justice, and strengthen collaboration to solve global issues.
Aimed at students, this series of seven webinars which runs until May 2025 will enable you to learn about professional life from recent graduates from across the industry.
A five session course delivered by industry experts to develop in-depth knowledge of health, safety, and wellbeing in civil engineering within the UK.
This talk will cover the topic of Nonlinear Response History Analysis as a powerful tool for advancing seismic design.