Peter W Weber
ceEntek Pte Ltd
founder | chief executive officer
Peter W Weber
Peter is a high-tech entrepreneur and investor with activities in the US, Asia, and Europe. Over the last years Peter has resigned from public and private company boards and is focused on revolutionizing a key industry: construction materials. ceEntek Pte Ltd, the company Peter started in Singapore in 2011 has overcome the problems associated with carbon nanofibers enhanced ultrahigh performance concrete, UHPC, and is scaling up production for a family of concrete products with unique features and benefits. This includes ultrahigh performance concrete, acid resistant concrete and lightweight/high-strength concrete. ceEntek’s leading edge nano-engineered concrete products are cost effective and easily adapted to local ingredients (cement and sand) allowing ceEntek to offer ‘best in class’ solutions on a worldwide basis.
From 2000 to 2011 Peter was engaged as an Angel investor in the high-tech industry and helped to start companies like AppCentral (sold to Good Inc), BlueRun Inc, and Trinamic (sold to Maxim Inc). He served on the board of private and public companies and in 2012 was instrumental in preparing and winning a patent lawsuit against Xilinx Inc. while he was chairman and acting CEO at PactXPP Technologies. For eight years Peter served on the board Dialog Semiconductor, and helped to guide it from near bankruptcy to a leading supplier of power management circuitry to Apple Inc.
In 1994 Peter co-founded Netro Corporation to bring wireless ‘last-mile’ access to metropolitan networks. This allowed new service providers to reach their end-customers without leasing lines from the incumbents or investing in laying fiber-lines in cities. Netro went public in 1999 and reached a market cap of $ 5.0b. Before this, Peter served in senior management positions at TEMIC, the micro-electronics arm of Daimler-Benz, Siliconix a leading low power semiconductor supplier and Intel. Peter had his initial training in the semiconductor industry with Texas Instruments in Germany followed by his first management position at Signetics where he was promoted to Central European sales-manager at the age of 28.
Peter holds a MScEE degree from the University of Applied Science in Frankfurt, Germany. He went through extensive management training including the executive management summer school at INSEAD, Fontainebleau. He is married to Yana. Together they enjoy travel, classic cars and motorcycles and when the time allows exercising his privileges as a private pilot.