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Unusual tunnel collapses: the role of geotechnical engineering

Event organised by Ingenieurs et Scientifique de France

27 January 2025

This event has now ended


The AGM, lecture and dinner is the most significant and popular event of the Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France (IESF) British Section, and is held at the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Tunnel collapses are usually catastrophic, with serious consequences. In this lecture, our patron, Professor Lord Robert Mair will explain the key role played by geotechnics, and how tunnel collapses are generally either caused by ground instability at the tunnel face during construction or by tunnel lining failure caused by ground forces. Historical and more recent examples will be shown and the lessons learned will be highlighted.

The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception, and dinner for members and invited guests.

All are welcome to the lecture. Please register your place by using the link provided or by emailing [email protected] with your name and company name.

Any IESF non-members wishing to attend the dinner should request a booking form by emailing [email protected]

Organised by

Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France British Section

Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France British Section

The British Section of IESF links Anglo-French engineering and science as part of a global French Learned Society.


Please note: the programme timings were updated on 23 January 2025.

17:15 - 17:45

Coffee, tea, soft drinks

17:45 - 17:50

Introduction by the past President, Dr Christopher Foster

17:50 - 18:00

IESF British Section AGM

18:00 - 19:15

Lecture “Unusual tunnel collapses - the role of geotechnical engineering”

19:15 - 19:45

Drinks reception – Brunel Room

19:45 - 22:30

Dinner – Smeaton Room


Professor Lord Robert Mair

Professor Lord Robert Mair

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

director of research

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Professor Lord Robert Mair

Professor Lord Robert Mair is Emeritus Sir Kirby Laing professor of civil engineering and former head of civil and environmental engineering at Cambridge University. He read engineering at Clare College, Cambridge and subsequently obtained a PhD in 1979. Before his appointment as head of civil and environmental engineering in 1998, he had spent 25 years in industry, throughout which time he maintained and developed close links with the academic world. He is also one of the founding directors of the Geotechnical Consulting Group and past president of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Throughout his career he has advised on numerous civil engineering projects worldwide, specialising in underground construction – his principal research interest.

For more information please contact:

Shelly-Ann Russell

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