John Foster
Mott MacDonald
chartered civil engineer
John Foster
John is Chartered Civil Engineer and All Reservoir Panel Engineer, with 20 years’ experience working on river, irrigation, water supply, hydropower and reservoir safety with Mott MacDonald and Mott MacDonald Bentley.
This experience has included the outline design, detailed design and site supervision of new build irrigation canals, hydraulic structures and dams internationally in Ethiopia, Pakistan and Georgia. However, his primary experience has been working on a variety of reservoir safety schemes on UK existing reservoir assets, including spillway replacement, embankment stability, valve replacements and new drawdown provision.
Of particular note, John has been responsible and overseen the development of a number of siphon schemes, varying in scale, quantity, materials and priming, primarily for the water supply industry. John was the Lead Author of the guide for Siphons in Dams in an effort to capture and share the experience from design and construction of these personal schemes, as well as that knowledge collated from reviewing other schemes.