Julian Jones
water expert volunteer
Julian Jones
Julian Jones led the team that first introduced hose-reel irrigation, sludge injectors and the ubiquitous 'Bauer Coupling' to the UK. In 1984, he resigned as Bauer UK Sales Director to address public health risks linked with sewage contaminated aerosols spraying from weirs during spates, at a community level. He developed sustainable drainage, or ‘SUDS’, (sewage & rainwater soft engineering) to resolve this, demonstrating this first on BBCTV in 1991. He was involved with the first UK Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) in 1993 for Stroud District Council and the first UK Defra Pilot proposal for eliminating CSOs in 2004. He also worked on the first UK dispersed upstream flood attenuation modelling for Slad FAS (EA / GCC).
Julian has recently advised on retrofitting of small hydropower within water company assets, representing German manufacturers, Ossberger & Rehart. He has honorary posts at Gloucestershire NHS & Cranfield Postgraduate School of Medicine and is a distinguished fellow at the Schumacher Institute, Bristol. He continues to volunteer for Water21, a not-for-profit organisation supporting a network of water experts, industry professionals and local community groups, where he funds and mentors postgraduate environment students.