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Why do we continually have to test concrete and how

Event organised by ICE

14 May 2020

This event has now ended


ICE East Midlands Graduates and Students Committee invites members to a webinar entitled: ‘Why do we continually have to test Concrete and how?’. This online lecture will be delivered by Mark Sedgley.

The talk will include:

Why do we continually have to test concrete and how?

  • A short history of concrete
  • An overview of the types of testing routinely carried out
  • Insights into why testing is so important
  • Problems that occur even if the correct testing procedures are followed
  • A brief discussion about laboratory conditions vs actual site conditions

What is the future of reinforced concrete and how will we test it?

Reinforced concrete is a dominant construction material. China recently used up more concrete in three years than the United States did in the entire twentieth century, and the curve keeps pointing upwards. However, If cement was a country, it would be the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, after China and the US.

This lecture will also include questions that engineers should review for the future:

  • What can engineers to reduce the carbon footprint
  • How can concrete be designed differently
  • What is the future of reinforced concrete in the twenty first century

For more information please contact:

Fiona Turner
