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The Winchburgh Masterplan Development

Event organised by ICE

16 January 2025

This event has now ended


This presentation will look at the challenges faced in taking the Winchburgh Masterplan from concept and planning all the way through to construction during uncertain economic and social climates and the ever-changing regulations over the last 15 years. 

It will firstly discuss the background to the project outlining the business case and planning challenges and then continue to the technical, construction and phasing challenges encountered whilst designing and constructing the critical infrastructure in terms of supporting the expanding village and how growth of the village of Winchburgh in West Lothian has been managed. With Winchburgh’s population increasing from around 2,400 to 14,000 inhabitants from 2012 to 2032 it is one of the UK’s biggest placemaking projects.  

The Winchburgh vision and masterplan provide the framework for a high-quality living environment with all major elements of infrastructure and amenities that sets Winchburgh apart from other development areas.

The Winchburgh project team will explain the key challenges faced in taking the masterplan project from preliminary design, business case, through a lengthy planning process all the way through to detailed design and construction. The presentation will discuss how the various challenges and constraints are being overcome and solutions which were put in place to ensure sustainability was at the forefront of the design.

Tea and coffee will be available from 18.00 with the presentation starting at 18.30.


John Hamilton

John Hamilton

Winchburgh Developments Ltd

chief executive officer

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John Hamilton

John Hamilton has led the delivery of Winchburgh Core Development Area in West Lothian, initially as development director for fund managers Sigma Capital, and since 2014 as chief executive officer of Winchburgh Developments Ltd.

In his early career, he practised as a surveyor on Glasgow’s urban renewal programme and in the initial phases of the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. He also gained extensive experience on the delivery of estates property for the Ministry of Defence and the oil industry.

He later spent ten years with project management specialists MPM Adams on major mixed use residential, healthcare and retail developments throughout the UK. He subsequently worked for Miller Homes Scotland as technical director, initially in Edinburgh and latterly in the Glasgow region. 

He is a former chairman of the Scottish Property Federation and in 2015 was appointed by the Scottish Government as a member of the independent panel which was formed to report on recommendations to ministers for the reform of the Scottish planning system. In early 2023 he was appointed as a member of the Scottish Government’s advisory group PIPAG – Planning Infrastructure and Place Advisory Group.

Allan Mason

Allan Mason

Winchburgh Developments Ltd

technical manager

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Allan Mason

Since 2004 Allan has led the technical delivery of Winchburgh Core Development Area in West Lothian, initially as part of the CALA Technical Team in 2004, followed by a role as technical director of Sweco Consultant Engineers from 2008-2021, and since 2021 as technical manager of Winchburgh Developments Ltd.

In his early career he practised as a design engineer with the local water/drainage authority where he was responsible for the design and delivery of key water and sewer assets for major developments in the West Lothian area.

This was followed by 10 years spent with housebuilders Miller Homes and CALA Homes with design and technical management of various residential development sites throughout the east of Scotland.

 Prior to joining Winchburgh Developments Ltd he spent 13 years at Sweco Consulting Engineers, latterly as technical director, where he was the design and project lead on a variety of mixed-use developments, including the redevelopment and regeneration at Sighthill in Glasgow.

He represented Winchburgh Developments Ltd on the Scottish Government’s New Build Heat Standards advisory group and continues to represent Winchburgh on the Scottish Government’s Local Energy Advisory Group as societies move towards zero carbon heating solutions, an independent panel which was formed to report on recommendations to ministers for the reform of the de-carbonisation of the heat network.

For more information please contact:

Lyndsey Pollock