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The case of Wolsingham Sewage Treatment Works

Event organised by ICE

28 March 2023

This event has now ended


In our third event of the Capable Owner pillar group webinar series, we show how collaboration in line with Project 13 principles enables innovation by the ecosystem. This webinar will build on learning from our first 2 events: What does it mean to be a Capable Owner? and Changing the Capability Mix, by centering around the case study of the Wolsingham, Co. Durham Sewage Treatment Works.

The Wolsingham, Co. Durham Sewage Treatment Works required significant upgrade to continue to meet customer needs. The principal partners, Northumbrian Water, Tilbury Douglas, and Wood Group, worked in the context of a 5+5 framework agreement to achieve nearly 70% off-site construction, complemented by significant budget and schedule savings.

Key learning points from the case include collaboration does not yield innovation immediately, but requires the development of trust over time; the importance of including representatives of operations in the innovation process; and the need for owners to set clear expectations to which the ecosystem can respond.

For more information please contact:

Amy Reed-Gibbs