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Yorkshire & Humber Project Showcase: A63 Castle Street

Event organised by ICE

28 June 2021

This event has now ended


The A63 Castle Street scheme is one of the most complex Highway improvement schemes in the UK currently. In the centre of Hull, the current interchange roundabout contributes to widespread congestion both within the city and to those travelling to the Port of Hull from the M62. 
The project is approximately 1.5km long and involves the conversion of a hamburger roundabout to a split-level junction with a 400m underpass. There is also a new pedestrian footbridge to be constructed and exhumation of 19,000 bodies from a burial ground prior to main construction.

Due to the poor ground conditions and proximity to the River Humber, a bespoke pumping facility and rising main also need to be constructed adjacent to the underpass to prevent flooding. Further complications have arisen where one of the slip roads.

This event will focus on how digital implementation has helped to overcome these challenges demonstrating the value of digital rehearsal and constructing the project in the virtual world prior to construction.

For more information please contact:

Joanne Topping