An award for graduates or qualified members looking to get experience abroad by working on a civil engineering project.
If you’re thinking about getting some professional experience overseas - by helping out on a local engineering project, for example - you might be able to win a QUEST Travel Award.
Individuals are awarded a maximum of £1,000 and groups up to £3,000.
To apply for this award, you must:
- Be an ICE Graduate or professionally qualified member.
- You must have been a member for a minimum of two years up to the application (student membership counts).
- Not have already received more than three ICE QUEST scholarships or awards. If you have already received an award, a year must have passed before you can apply again.
Only members who meet the criteria can be included on a group application.
Apply now
Applications open on Monday 10 January 2025 until Friday 21 March 2025.
We welcome applications from individuals or groups up to 8.
Individual application for the award:
Group application for the award:
Each applicant will need to be supported by a referee. Download the reference form.
How are the winners chosen?
Applications are assessed by the QUEST Committee and the strongest will receive a financial award of up to £1,000 for individuals and up to £3,000 for groups.
Your entry will be assessed on the following:
- The quality of your application
- How much the experience will benefit you
- The aims and merit of the project or activity
- How the project or activity will benefit others and ICE
- The amount of financial support required
- The length of time spent overseas
- The relevance of the project and activity to civil engineering
If you're selected for an award, you’ll need to send us a report of around 1,000 words on your experiences, within a month of returning from your trip.
Got a QUESTion?
If you've got a question or want more information about the QUEST Travel Award, then please let us know.