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‘Levelling up’ and the role of infrastructure: ICE discussion paper

15 July 2020

The paper examines the importance of strategic infrastructure planning and delivery in ensuring better economic and social outcomes.

The discussion paper also includes a series of consultation questions. Their aim is to help inform the development of ICE policy in relation to regional infrastructure planning and delivery predominantly in England.

The focus of the consultation is on economic infrastructure (e.g. transport, energy and water networks) as opposed to social infrastructure (e.g. hospitals and schools).

The questions are as follows:

  1. What should ‘levelling up’ mean in the context of economic infrastructure?
  2. What are the priorities, in terms of economic and social outcomes, for infrastructure in the context of ‘levelling up’ and how have these been affected by Covid-19?
  3. How could subnational infrastructure bodies be integrated into existing infrastructure decision-making frameworks?
  4. What approach and criteria should be used to develop regional infrastructure strategies across England that can support the government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda?
  5. What models of investment are required to ensure that infrastructure is adequately funded in all regions across England?
  6. How can the development of regional infrastructure strategies be leveraged to ensure that investment flows to projects and programmes across England?

The consultation closes 31 August 2020 and responses can be made to: ICE Policy.

‘Levelling up’ and the role of infrastructure: ICE discussion paper

Content type: Consultation

Last updated: July 2020

Authors: ICE

  • Ben Goodwin, lead policy manager at ICE