Australia’s transition to net zero has been speeding up at pace over the last twelve months under a new federal government administration.
Action has intensified at all levels of government, the private sector, communities and households.
Infrastructure will play a key role in meeting Australia’s net zero target and ensuring that progress can continue to speed up.
Unlike the UK, Australia is governed as a federation of states and territories. Each has its own government responsible to a large degree for making laws under that jurisdiction.
Action has advanced, but there’s an important role for the Australian government to play in coordinating this drive to reduce emissions.
The ICE convened an online roundtable in conversation with experts from Infrastructure Australia, chaired by ICE President Keith Howells.
It brought together infrastructure professionals from the UK, Australia, and other countries and focused on the key question: ‘what progress is Australia making on net zero?’
The session focused on:
- the role of government and bi-partisan political support to achieve net zero;
- opportunities for collaboration between different levels of government and the private sector;
- challenges impacting on delivery; and
- the role of clearer transition pathways.
Presidential Roundtable summary: what progress is Australia making on net zero?
Content type: Policy
Last updated: 22/05/2023