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EBI experts help develop New Zealand’s long-term infrastructure strategy

04 September 2024

The ICE’s Enabling Better Infrastructure (EBI) programme offered insights on New Zealand’s National Infrastructure Plan, due in 2025.

EBI experts help develop New Zealand’s long-term infrastructure strategy
Insights will shape infrastructure planning for the next 30 years. Image credit: Shutterstock

On 15 August, specialists from the ICE-led Enabling Better Infrastructure (EBI) programme met with the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission (NZIC) to provide insights on strategic long-term planning.

The dialogue was about the development NZIC’s National Infrastructure Plan (NIP), which is due by the end of 2025.

The session included the NZIC, select officials from the New Zealand National Treasury, and EBI specialists with deep, wide-ranging experience in strategic planning.

This event was held alongside other dialogues to support the development of New Zealand's infrastructure project pipeline.

Peter Nunns, acting general manager of strategy of the NZIC, highlighted the value of the discussion.

He said: “This has been an incredibly useful discussion, helping us to support consensus-building in developing and delivering New Zealand’s 30-year plan for infrastructure.”

New Zealand’s infrastructure strategy

In 2022, the New Zealand government launched its Infrastructure Strategy, setting out an ambitious 30-year programme.

The strategy sets out a clear vision for infrastructure, which will provide a foundation for people, places, and businesses to thrive now and in the future.

The NZIC approached the EBI programme to obtain specialist insights on their strategic approach to develop a NIP.

It wanted to ensure it incorporated international best practice and the EBI principles.

What did the session cover?

Building on previous engagements with the NZIC, the EBI specialists provided insights on the following workstreams already set up, including:

  1. Conducting a study on long-term infrastructure needs.
  2. Undertaking analysis to understand the gap between the need for infrastructure and service supply
  3. Outlining investment intentions for infrastructure based on key drivers.

The NZIC will assess responses provided by EBI specialists and incorporate the feedback into the NIP.

About the EBI programme

The EBI programme helps governments see beyond the uncertainties of the day to develop stable, sustainable, and investable infrastructure project pipelines that meet people’s needs.

It does this by helping governments to put EBI's principles for strengthening strategic infrastructure planning into practice.

The EBI programme works towards a vision of a world where people can live safe, healthy and productive lives, supported by a sustainable and resilient infrastructure that meets everyone’s needs.

The session held with NZIC marks a key milestone in realising this vision.

  • Dr Kerry Bobbins, head of Enabling Better Infrastructure programme at ICE