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ICE ‘shows leadership’ with carbon footprint reduction plans

25 April 2024

The annual report also celebrates the achievements of the institution and its members in 2023.

ICE ‘shows leadership’ with carbon footprint reduction plans
The ICE has started to implement measures to reduce its carbon footprint in its London offices. Image credit: Shutterstock

The ICE has unveiled its plans to cut the institution’s carbon footprint in its annual report, published this week.

“While the ICE’s own carbon footprint is small compared to global infrastructure, it is essential that the institution shows leadership by measuring its own impact across its operations (energy, travel and use of resources),” the institution stated in its 2023 annual report.

ICE’s energy reduction methods in 2023

Since October 2023, 100% of the electricity used at the ICE’s London headquarters, One Great George Street, and satellite office 8 Storey’s Gate, was from renewable sources.

Other measures to reduce the institution’s carbon footprint include replacing fluorescent light fittings in office areas with LED fittings, and reducing the hot water temperature from 60°C to 40°C.

ICE Annual Report 2023

Learn more about what the ICE and its members did to deliver value to the membership and to the wider society last year.

Content type: Governance document

Last updated: 22 April 2024

Author: ICE

Transparent carbon emissions reporting

The ICE also voluntarily reported its carbon emissions.

“The ICE aims to help the [civil engineering] profession contribute towards the net zero carbon target and mitigate climate change,” it said in the report.

“In light of this, we believe it is important that the ICE is transparent about its own carbon emissions.”

Its carbon footprint for the year ended 31 December 2023 was 546 tonnes CO2 e.

This represents a carbon intensity of 1.64 tCO2 e per full time equivalent employee, a fall from 1.70 tCO2 e in 2022.

The institution has also helped to cut carbon emissions by continuing to encourage members to switch their New Civil Engineer subscription from print to digital.

This has reduced the emissions associated with printing and distributing the magazine, saving approximately 12,300kg of CO2 emissions in 2023.

Carbon footprint reduction plans for 2024 and beyond

The ICE has also completed an audit to identify more opportunities for saving energy.

It will apply these improvements in the planned refurbishments of the London buildings this year.

The ICE will roll out a new Carbon Management Plan in 2024.

It said that the plan will “explore all aspects of managing our own carbon emissions and consider ways it can be quantified, develop reduction and disclosure targets, and set out an overall plan towards net zero”.

To learn more about what the ICE is doing to support decarbonisation and what the institution’s members helped to achieve in 2023, download the report.

Related links

  • Anh Nguyen, digital content lead at ICE