Trustees welcomed the new members of the board, approved the 2024 ICE budget and discussed a range of topics including the timeline for the 5-year strategy, and the communication team’s focus for 2024.
We kicked off my first trustee board meeting as chair with a welcome to Lucy Rew, Priti Parikh and Lewis Barlow who are starting their terms as ICE trustees and a thank you to those trustees who remain on the board for their dedication and continued support of the ICE.
2024 ICE budget
Calum Mercer, the ICE’s new finance director, led a discussion on the revised 2024 ICE budget.
This was then approved with full consent by the board who recognise the need for substantial investment in the maintenance of the ICE’s London HQ, One Great George Street.
Strategy and planning process
Following on from discussions at previous trustee boards, the director general presented a new timeline for the ICE’s strategy and planning process.
This was welcomed by all trustees as it provides greater clarity moving forward.
Suggestions were made in terms of how to engage ICE Council better and ensure continuity on the Trustee Board by inviting new Trustee Board members to join the September 2024 board meeting as observers.
Communication team
The ICE’s director of communications provided an overview of the team’s focus for next year.
The ICE survey showed that the website, LinkedIn and emails remain the preferred communication channels for members, and these are the key areas of focus for next year. We discussed the need to continuously review our channels and ensure we are on the most appropriate ones for the wider membership.
There’s an ongoing project to revise and update the website, a new head of social media is joining with a view to rolling out an ICE-wide social media strategy and work continues to progress in reducing the quantity and improving the quality of ICE emails.
Looking ahead
2023 has been a busy year for the institution and we head into 2024 on strong financial footing and with high ambitions for sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure for everyone.
I want to thank both staff and members for all their hard work over the last year. I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024 and I look forward to working with you all in the coming year.