CV requirement
VIDEO: Gain an understanding of what needs to be included in your CV (3 mins).
Fellow is the highest grade of ICE membership. It is awarded if you're in a position of responsibility in the promotion, planning, design, construction or management of important engineering work.
If you have any ICE membership queries after viewing the video please watch our other recordings and/or discuss with your ICE UK regional director or international contact or email [email protected].
We have also recorded a full overview of the Fellowship process (32 mins) with subtitles (see below).
VIDEO: Gain an understanding of what needs to be included in your CV (3 mins).
VIDEO: Discover the details of each attribute (4 mins).
VIDEO: Discover the details of each attribute (5 mins).
VIDEO: Learn what needs to be included in your tailored CPD record (3 mins).
VIDEO: Discover the details needed to be included in your organisation chart/s (2 mins).
VIDEO: Understand the role your sponsors play and how they can support your application (3 mins).
VIDEO: Watch this recording for an overview of the routes towards professional qualification (13 mins).
VIDEO: Watch this for an introduction to ICE’s attributes (2 mins).
VIDEO: Watch this to gain an understanding of ICE’s Technician Member Attributes (14 mins.
VIDEO: Watch this to gain an understanding of ICE’s Incorporated Member Attributes (17 mins.
VIDEO: Watch this to gain an understanding of ICE’s Chartered Member Attributes (9 mins).
VIDEO: Watch this to understand the type of evidence you can use (4 mins.
VIDEO: Find out about the Communication Task part of the ICE Professional Review (6 mins).
VIDEO: ICE Regional Directors, Keith Jones (Wales Cymru) and Emma Antrobus (North West England) guide you through the application process to become an ICE Fellow (32 mins).