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Reforming the Green Book to achieve better outcomes from infrastructure investment

15 October 2020

This paper provides insights about the operation of the Green Book as it is currently applied in the infrastructure sector. It also poses a series of questions regarding how Green Book reform can achieve better outcomes from infrastructure investment, notably on net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, social value, and ‘levelling up’.

The paper has been informed and developed through discussions with ICE members and Fellows, academics, industry stakeholders and available published evidence.

The consultation questions are as follows:

  1. How should the Green Book and the appraisal process be reformed to better factor in strategic national objectives?
  2. Does the urgency of the net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target warrant the expansion of the Five Case Model to include a sixth net-zero case, or can this effectively be appraised against through the current methodology (e.g. the strategic case or supplementary guidance)?
  3. How can the Green Book best account for social value and help achieve wider societal outcomes?
  4. What, if any, are the limitations of the Green Book in achieving the government’s aim of ‘levelling up’ the country?
  5. How can greater consistency of application of Green Book project appraisal be achieved across government, both local and central?

The consultation closes on 9 November 2020 and responses can be made to: ICE Policy.

Reforming the Green Book to achieve better outcomes from infrastructure investment

Content type: Consultation

Authors: ICE

  • David Hawkes, head of policy at ICE