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ICE representation to Autumn Budget 2024

12 November 2024

The ICE makes recommendations to improve infrastructure planning, provide strategic clarity on spending and invest in resilience and decarbonisation.

The ICE’s representation to the 2024 Autumn Budget focused on the following key areas relating to infrastructure:

On infrastructure spending:

There must be strategic clarity on infrastructure spending.

Without increasing investment in 2025/26 and beyond, budgets for major infrastructure projects will effectively be cut.

This will make it harder for the UK to achieve its wider strategic goals and deliver the government’s missions.

On infrastructure planning and prioritisation:

The Budget must commit to a National Infrastructure Strategy.

This strategy must set out a vision for infrastructure in line with the National Infrastructure Commission’s latest recommendations to deliver on the government’s missions to kickstart economic growth and reach net zero.

On decarbonisation:

More focus is needed on public engagement and behaviour change to achieve net zero.

The public needs the right infrastructure in place before they can change their behaviour.

The government must outline its plans for public engagement and net zero, particularly as the Climate Change Committee has warned the UK is behind on progress.

On climate adaptation and resilience:

The government should undertake a national review of the economics of adaptation to ensure that climate resilience and adaptation are better valued in spending decisions.

On transport:

A national transport strategy for England should be developed to enable long-term planning, maximise the wider benefits of transport investment, and support devolution.

ICE representation to Autumn Budget 2024

Content type: Policy

Last updated: 12/11/2024

Author: ICE policy team

  • Laura Cunliffe-Hall, lead policy manager at ICE