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ICE Scotland's regional committee, branch committees and special interest groups in the region plan and organise how we support and share knowledge with ICE members.

ICE's work in Scotland is carried out by volunteer members on various committees and groups. They organise events and activities that bring together like-minded people and give members the opportunity to increase their knowledge, get advice and raise the profile of civil engineering in Scotland.

Find out more about how our UK regions are governed.

Scotland regional committee

The ICE Scotland Committee oversees the implementation of the business plan and takes the lead on external facing activities to inform opinion and raise public awareness of civil engineering. It is made up of representatives of branches, corporate members and co-opted Members from across Scotland.

The committee's AGM takes place in October of each year.

Name Position
Ellen Halkon chair
Kevin Smith senior vice chair
Donald Bell immediate past char
Thomas Murray junior vice chair & honorary secretary
Martin Hinton honorary treasurer
Marshall Dean Aberdeen Association of Civil Engineers president
Emma Dickson Fairness, Inclusion & Respect champion
Sandra Purves Panel for Historical Engineering Works (PHEW) chair
Tommy Murray Highlands and Islands Branch chair
Brian McCall Edinburgh Area Branch chair
Stewart Craigie Municipal Group Scotland chair
Nicola Bell Glasgow and West of Scotland chair
Haroon Nazir Scottish Ground Engineering Group chair
John Andrew ICE Scotland Museum rep
Lewis Hoggan Public Affairs sub-committee chair
Karl Hering Early Careers Network regional chair

Branch committees

ICE Scotland's knowledge programme ensures the continuous professional development (CPD) of our members and is delivered by five Branches across Scotland (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Highlands and Islands). Specialist Interest Groups also organise technical events relating to specific engineering topics.

ICE Scotland Branches also coordinate support for education and inspiration volunteer activities in local schools to inspire the next generation of civil engineers.

This is the largest ICE branch in Scotland with just under 4,000 members. It was the first association formed outside London, in 1884.

Glasgow West of Scotland (GWoS) Branch runs an extensive programme of technical lectures, social events and competitions.

The Branch Annual Dinner is the flagship social event in Scotland. It is held in Glasgow in November and is regularly attended by over 600 guests.

Name Position
Nicola Bell Glasgow and West of Scotland chair
Magda Allen senior vice chair
Lewis Hoggan junior vice chair
Lloyd Walker incoming vice chair
Dyllan Parkinson secretary
Martin Hinton treasurer
Helena Dee Lifelong Learning Sub Committee chair
Marty Lee Thought Leadership/Education and Inspiration Sub-committee

Edinburgh Area Branch (EAB) covers the Edinburgh area from the Firth of Forth to the Borders. We are keen to serve all of our members throughout the area and are currently looking at arranging occasional events in the Borders or in the Falkirk/Stirling area. New members are always welcome.

The work of the branch is handled by the committee who have a wide range of professional experience on a range of projects and specialisms.

Name Position
Brian McCall chair
Steve Czuprynski vice chair and honorary treasurer
Gordon Boyd honorary secretary
Karl Hering Early Careers Network Branch chair
Catherine Leech knowledge transfer co-ordinator
Andrew Carrie communications and immediate past chair

Other members: Ellen Halkon

This branch covers the Dundee area. It offers a programme of popular technical meetings and social events for all ICE members as well as providing educational activities for local schools and attending careers fairs.

Name Position
Andrew Minto chair
Claire Higson past chair
Kevin Smith honorary secretary
David Blackwood honorary treasurer
Margi Vilnay Education & Inspiration chair
Steven Traynor Early Careers Network mentor
Devanesh Gunasingam Early Careers Network Branch chair

Other members: Scott McEwan, Frances Ratcliffe, Liam Wood, Chris Chalmers, Susan Francombe, April Redford, Michael Ward, Rod Jones, Morven Scott, Macaulay Wardlaw, Ehsan Jorat

This branch covers the Scottish Highlands with events generally held at Inverness College. It works closely with the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation CIHT in the area to run a number of popular technical lectures.

Name Position
Barry Richardson chair
Ryan Derrick secretary

Other members: Carrie Higgins, John Williams, Graeme Edwards, Alastair Manson, Tommy Murray

This associated ICE society organises a programme of technical lectures and social events in the Aberdeen area. It also aims to raise the profile of civil engineering among young people by working closely with local schools.

The branch also run a young members group. Contact us for more information.

Name Position
Marshall Dean president
Hugh McIntyre vice president
Mark Stewart  treasurer
Ryan Swan dinner secretary
Hamish Fowler Early Careers Network
Mary Griffiths secretary
Veronika Ivanova  media
Hugh McIntyre schools coordinator

Other members: Jim Young, Stuart Thompson

Early Careers Network

Each branch has an Early Careers Network (ECNet) sub-committee which support members who are working towards becoming professionally qualified. Their activities include knowledge events, seminars and competitions and peer group learning about specific aspects of the Professional Review including the written exercise.

Glasgow's Early Careers Network runs a series of technical lectures, competitions and social events in Glasgow as well as an annual lunch in November, which is attended by the ICE President.

Name Position
Allan Kakuba key contact
Anna Rutherford key contact

The Edinburgh Early Careers Network run a series of technical lectures, competitions and social events in Edinburgh.

Name Position
Karl Hering chair, main committee representative
Dachi Khutsishvili vice chair
Kasia Jaworska vice chair, Education and Inspiration Sub-Committee chair 
Calum Wiegratz immediate past chair, main committee representative
Holly Hall treasurer, Social and Networking Sub-Committee 
Molly Hunter communications officer
Sean Kenly Montilla communications officer
Ariana Francis student representative 
Valentina Gonzalez student representative
Ross Smith student representative

The Early Careers Network run a series of technical lectures, competitions and social events in Dundee.

Name Position
Devanesh Gunasingam chair

Special interest groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are a link between industry and ICE, helping us to provide information, training and best practice to our members. Members of SIGs are volunteers from a range of backgrounds within the profession.

If you would like to get involved with any of the SIGs in Scotland, please contact us.

The SGEG is a special interest group of the Institution of Civil Engineers and is a regional group of the British Geotechnical Association.

The objective of the SGEG is to promote the Geotechnical Engineering Profession mainly by arranging learned meetings and bringing high profile national and international lectures to Scotland. This is coupled with encouraging young people into the discipline and promoting young engineers.

The SGEG arranges meetings, seminars and competitions in order to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience concerning the latest developments in the continually developing field of geotechnical engineering.

Name Position
Haroon Nazir chair 
David Bradley member
Christopher Currie communications secretary

This group is made up of historical experts and those who are passionate about recognising and preserving Scotland's rich engineering heritage. It hosts a series of events through the year, including an annual Summer Visit.

ICE Scotland also has a collection of civil engineering artefacts which is currently hosted by Heriot-Watt University. Information on the collection is available on their website.

Name Position
Sandra Purves chair

Other members:  Angus Bodie, Katie O'Neil, Lyndsey McNeilly, Gordon Brown, David Rankin, Gordon Masterton, Derek Elder, Steve Wood

Name Position
David McGuigan chair and secretary

Other members: Roland Paxton, Prof. Paul Jowitt, John Andrew, Derek Chambers

Want to get involved?

If you would like to know more about our committees or how to become a member of one or more, get in touch below.