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David Porter confirmed as the next ICE President

11 December 2024

David Porter will take over the presidency from Professor Jim Hall in November 2025, ICE Council has confirmed.

David Porter confirmed as the next ICE President
David Porter, current ICE Senior Vice President

David Porter, current ICE Senior Vice President, has been officially elected as the next president by ICE Council and will succeed Professor Jim Hall in November 2025.

Porter is a trustee of the ICE and, until recently, held the learning society portfolio.

Porter is currently the director of engineering with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), which is the roads authority for Northern Ireland. He’s the chief highways engineer.

He is also the head of the civil engineering profession with the Northern Ireland civil service.

He’s responsible for the development of the department’s professional and technical staff, engineering policies and standards, and health and safety. He also leads on procurement and the internal consultancy.

Previously, Porter was the chief executive of the Rivers Agency, the flood defence and drainage authority for Northern Ireland.

He also held the posts of director of development and director of operations with the agency.

Porter is a past chair of the Northern Ireland region of the ICE. He’s been on the ICE Council three times: two terms as the Northern Ireland representative, and one as a general member.

He has also served on numerous committees and panels:

  • He was a member of the Presidential Commission on the ICE Governance (the Orr Review).
  • He chaired the member-led review of NOMCO, the Audit Committee, and the Qualifications Panel.
  • He has been on the Committee of Management of the ICE Benevolent Fund.

Among various distinctions, Porter is a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering. He was awarded the Poskitt Medal by the ICE Northern Ireland Region in 2017, and the Engineers Ireland President’s Award in 2018.

  • ICE governance, governance team at ICE